How Does a Data Room Cost?

Although it is assumed that all virtual data rooms have the same features pricing structure and functions can vary significantly. Understanding how the vendors determine their pricing can help businesses identify the right data room solution. This article will explain how VDR prices are determined, along with the features and extras which influence the final cost.

Several different ways to determine costs for data rooms include per-page pricing, user licenses and storage capacity. Certain VDR providers charge a flat monthly cost that covers an amount of storage and a set number of users. This can be an ideal alternative for teams that aren’t sure how the duration of their project will be and avoids costly time-based overages.

Other providers could be charged based on the number of gigabytes (GB) of storage space the data room utilizes. This is a great solution for companies who deal with small text files. It does away with the necessity to upgrade storage, or pay expensive overages.

A less well-known model is to charge a monthly cost that is determined by the number users who use the data room, as well as the frequency they access it. This is a good option for Web Site teams who are uncertain of the time they’ll need the data room. It lets them reduce costs and expand the use of the space. PandaDoc offers firms a 30-day trial to try out its powerful VDR solution.